This is taken from the fla website. check the strangeways font haha.
Very simple monoprint image on brown CD case. Photograph doesnt transfer to mono very easily, looks a bit bitty for my liking.
Again, nice and simple. Centralised text for track listing with small print and fla logo.
I really love this artwork. Its a really nice illustration that i think is a bit too twee when compared to the music. The stock is much better than that the above example but darker, could be contrast issues with the ink.
Very illustrative for the back of a CD. Tracks are in small print above the label logo.
Ahh, a full Jewel case CMYK from the label.
Apparently this was an earlier release than the simple monoprinted card cases above. A lot more money was splashed out on duplication and printing. That pink says it all really.
The label decided to change to the cheaper printing methods after a while. Loki Machine, however, are aiming cheap as chips from the start.