Tuesday, 1 December 2009


I LIKE PAPER STOCKS. these business cards are sweet as my nuts.

Corporate branding developed from the idea of trying to develop corporate branding! its all designed and printed to look hand drawn, complete with "call for a good time" style match box business cards and individually scribbled red pen for effect. ah lav eet.

Concertina books are cool. that's all there is to it. This one has embossed covers and weird dada style typography. its actually a christmas card. pretty cool. Except the eye in my. thats just shit.


This books from the library. It has lots of commercial promo pack type things, which is exactly the kind of thing i want to do for my resistance packaging. I like all the different ways of rounded cornerproducing the same thing.

oooh, slots on the inside! folds on the outside mean no slippage!

folds and slices make pockets! nice visuals. I really like the idea of these promo pack things. they are sweet.

S'all chilean and that. i like the colour schemes and the matteness of it all.

lovely rounded corners and fantastic andy colours. dinnar why that blues there tho.

Things to do in leeds!

aww its a little A6 book/zine giving you things to do in leeds! shame it has that fucking starburst on it.

i like the cover stock, it looks recycled and has a good hearty texture to it. woof.

centrefold has a map with a key! what more could you ask for??