Consistent layout, i plan to be in series throughout the pack. I'm not sure about the layout of the book and magazine covers. They seem to create a big space on the right hand page that looked ok on screen. I do like the big quotes going across though. This is why i chose to keep the pictures as they were.
Two colour screen print on this calvinball record was designed by Joe Lawrence. The interview goes into detail about process and other design decisions. Really sweet texture of the ink but the offset monoprints in two colours kind of ruins the clarity of the text which is a shame. The layout is consistent in the series - two columns with right aligned small print.
Mega Games' new EP. Tree illustration by sasha heath. Pretty cool drawing : ) same layout for interview.
Stencil design by Joe Towns of Glaciers for their debut EP.
Interesting graphic pattern by Harriet Bridgwater for Tall Ships.
Two colour screen for the case. Very saul bass, me. i like it al lot. the text is developed from my dissertation posters from last term into a full alphabet. Out of the colours selected, the red and black represents my work most successfully. It is a bad habit of mine to be doing this all the time but it is a habit that seems to have stuck.