Hardcore band, Unbroken, for this 7" record, used a variety of positive strips from a 35mm film of photos of them playing a gig. Each edition had a different series of positives (the same appears on the front and back of the record). Also, a non-fiction science book on insects has been dissected and the images are glued to the covers, which adds to the limited edition appeal of the record.
Lords and Cotiseum opted for a minimal approach to this split 7". The sheet is half an A4 sheet cut diagonally and corner to corner. This was then folded back on itself along the hypotenuse of the triangle. This creates an interesting visual when folded to fit inside a plastic sleeve.
A very simple stamp on white sleeve with brown inner sleeve is used for this compilation CD from Blood Link records. It is good for mass production, but is not very visually appealing.
Collage looks really good but makes mass production near impossible if the release is supposed to be in series.
The use of "spot colour" in collage form is interesting. Especially when the colour appears on the plastic sleeve rather than the CD case itself. The paper sleeve is photocopied and then hand coloured and the plastic sleeve design is photocoiped on yellow paper.
Screen printed on A4 pulpboard, which is then folded and stapled to house a 7" in a paper sleeve.
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